They prestigiously represented their province and country in hockey and in Laura’s case played in World Cups and European Championships but for the Foley sisters, still nothing compares to lining out for your club in an All-Ireland Senior Final in Croke Park.
Pivotal protagonists in Truagh Clonlara’s unprecedented journey through Clare, Munster and now the hold grail of the All-Ireland series, Laura and Becky Foley are currently living the dream that they perhaps never thought was possible.
“It’s everything you’ve ever wanted since starting playing Camogie at six years old.” Admits Becky. “To think that we’re going to be playing in Croke Park with everyone we’ve grown up with is just a privilege to be honest.”
“Wearing the jersey is a privilege,” interjects Laura. “The fact that you get to go out and play, regardless of results, we’re so lucky to able to represent our club and parish.
The medals are just a cherry on top as there were a lot of players before us that didn’t get the medals but they know that they helped get us here.”
While they’re clearly cut from the same cloth, the Foleys have had very different paths to this lofty stage as while older sister Laura…