THE pedestrianisation of Ennis’ town centre is set to be rolled back from the end of this month with vehicular traffic restrictions to finish by September 30.
The Temporary Covid-19 Ennis Town Centre Mobility Plan taskforce has been dissolved.
This comes following a meeting of the taskforce earlier this month during which a review of the current implementation of the plan took place.
Based on their assessment and taking into account current public health guidelines, children returning to school, and facilitating outdoor dining, an exit strategy from the plan was agreed.
With effect from August 30, current restrictions on vehicular traffic will be lifted within the town centre on Abbey and O’Connell Streets, with some exceptions for the next month.
These are Monday-Friday, 11am to 2pm; Saturday to Sunday, 11am to 6pm. From September 30, all restrictions will be lifted.
In Lower Parnell Street, the current road closure will also apply until September 30.
A spokesperson for Clare County Council confirmed the taskforce has now been dissolved.
He added, “The representative group has worked very well together and achieved its objectives, ensuring Ennis was and remains a safe place to live, visit and do business during the Covid-19 pandemic.
“On behalf of Clare County Council, we wish to thank all those who participated as part of the stakeholder group, to ensure the best outcomes for business, residents and visitors to our town.
“We would also like to express our thanks to all the members of the public who contacted the Council at various stages to give their feedback.
“Each and every piece of feedback was discussed and examined by the group, and informed the measures throughout the process.
“Separately, in preparation for the development of a Local Area Plan for Ennis, Clare County Council looks forward to engaging with the wider community as part of the Ennis Mobility Plan, which will examine all modes of transport for the sustainable movement of people within Ennis and its environs.
“The formulation of this mobility plan is a requirement under the National Development Plan and will inform the Local Area Plan as well as future funding opportunities.”
Town’s main streets soon to be reopened to vehicle traffic

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