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HomeSports‘To get up to senior has been the target’- Daniels

‘To get up to senior has been the target’- Daniels

The one club model that has operated in Éire Óg over the last number of years that has seen the men’s and ladies team under the umbrella of the same unit of the GAA had its finest hour off the fields on Friday night last in Dromoland.

This was when the men’s and ladies teams at senior and intermediate level respectively shared equal billing and the limelight on the stage they were presented with their county championship winning medals.

For the intermediate ladies that were jointly managed by Brian Fitzpatrick and Shane Daniels it was a memorable occasion as the event copper-fastened their ascension to senior status for the first time.

“The women’s game needs the same recognition as the men’s game,” Daniels told The Clare Champion. “As soon as the girls won their county title they were hoping that the men would follow them and win…

For more on this story and all the latest news from the Banner County, pick up this week’s Clare Champion or view our digital edition which is available HERE.

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