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Tag Archives: VHI

Mary’s marathon charity run in memory of “precious” father

A KILMALEY woman who recently ran the VHI women’s mini-marathon in memory of her father has raised more than €2,000 for a national cancer charity. Mary Griffin’s father Brendan passed away last year following a battle with oesophageal cancer. On Sunday, June 5 Mary alongside two of her father’s nieces braved the pouring rain to run the mini-marathon in Dublin, the first time that the event has been run physically since 2019. She tells she was inspired to do the marathon in memory of her “precious father Brendan, who passed away in November, aged 65, after a tough battle with oesophageal cancer.” She explains she decided to run in the 10km event as she wanted to raise awareness of oesophageal cancer as well as raising much needed funds for the Oesophageal Cancer Fund, the national charity for Oesophageal Cancer in Ireland. Mary recalls her father was first diagnosed with cancer of the oesophagus in April 2019 after experiencing food sticking …

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Bid to get Shannon Park Run out of the blocks

IN March of last year, Shannon was all set to have its first Park Run but Covid put paid to those plans. Something like normality has returned, however, and there are plans to start holding the weekly runs from next month, all going well. “Because of Covid we haven’t been able to get it going. We’ve been signed up with VHI since then, Clare Sports Partnership put up the money, there was an initial outlay of €4,000 and Clare Sports Partnership put up the money,” said Niamh O’Callaghan of the Love Shannon Community Council, which is working on the project. “It’s going to be one of the only ones that has a loop, so you see different things. It’s actually beautiful, it’s down along the estuary. One of the ideas was to show people that Shannon isn’t just an industrial estate and an airport, that there’s more to it than that.” The group would really like to hear from anyone …

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