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Breathing life into a new novel

Marianne Purcell loves using words. Long ones, short ones, unusual ones, forgotten ones, words are grist to her mill. The East Clare author loves the feel of them on her tongue. The way words conjure up a picture, an idea or an emotion. The Caher native believes the whole what, where, how and why of a story depends on the way words are used. Not only that, but pronouncing a word can bring its own form of delight. “I use words as the starting point because they are the seeds that one plants on a blank page to create a story,” she said. “The twists and turns of a word like ostentatious, the innocence of nosegay, the shambling ineptitude of hapless, the instant understanding of a word like whinge. And the picture they paint if you put them together. The hapless hero dropped the ostentatious nosegay. “Can’t you just see him, shabby, bumbling, the fancy flowers he found on the …

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