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Tag Archives: Movember Ahead of the Game

Carol’s on a mission to bring emotional literacy to sport

NEWMARKET’S Carol O’Leary is a facilitator with Movember Ahead of the Game, an emotional literacy programme designed for delivery in a sports club setting. Carol, a dual star for club and county, explained her role. “Last year we began this campaign, Movember, the GPA and the GAA came together and decided that they would roll this out across grassroots clubs across Ireland to reach as many young people as possible,” she said. “I work as a facilitator and I’m based in Munster, I go around to different counties and give talks to groups of kids, it could be anything from 13-16 year olds, boys or girls. “I work with another facilitator, we go and give them a talk to try and help them understand about their mental health, looking at different signs they may need to act on and what to do if they are concerned about something. “After that we talk to parents or coaches or any adults in …

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