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local elections

‘It’s a crazy scenario, but I’ve moved on’

ELECTION counts often provide a few hours’ entertainment for the casual visitor, but they can be hellish for the candidates and those close to...

Clare Champion live streaming from the local elections’ count

IN a first for any local authority, Clare County Council, together with The Clare Champion, will conduct a full live video broadcast of a...

Councillor left branded car all day in one hour zone

A MEMBER of Clare County Council left her car, which is covered in her own election branding, parked in a one hour zone in...

The Champion Report: Local Elections Special

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Referendum Commission encourage voters to check register

The Referendum Commission has launched a nationwide campaign to encourage people to make sure they are registered to vote on the forthcoming referendum on...

Voting for 16-year-olds delayed

The National Youth Council of Ireland (NYCI) has expressed disappointment that a Bill to extend the vote to young people aged 16 and 17...

Election most popular on ‘Champion web

THE Clare Champion’s live coverage of the 2014 Local Elections was the most popular item on www.clarechampion.ie over the last 12 months. All the major...

Horse trading on Council positions continues

BROAD power sharing of positions of responsibility on Clare County Council between the various political groupings will almost certainly continue over the next five...
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