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Tag Archives: Leonora Carey

Leonora Carey Is Fine Gael’s Sole Clare Candidate For Dail Bid

    Leonora Carey has been selected by Fine Gael to represent the party in the Clare constituency at the next General Election.   Party members ratified Ms Carey at the Clare Fine Fael Dáil Selection Convention, which was held in the West County Hotel in Ennis on Friday night. Senator Martin Conway and Ms Carey were the two candidates put forward for the Clare Fine Gael Dáil ticket at the close of nominations last month after former Deputy Joe Carey resigned his seat and from political life due on health grounds. However, Senator Conway decided to withdraw his name before the convention. Unless another candidate is added, Clare Fine Gael has given up on the prospect of winning two Dáil seats in the county in the next General Election. In the 2016 General Election, Fine Gael ran three candidates – Pat Breen, Joe Carey and Mary Howard, with Breen and Carey winning two seats in the four-seater when the …

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Leonora Carey.

Leonora Carey to seek Fine Gael nomination to run in the general election

Leonora Carey, sister of sitting TD, Joe Carey is to seek the Fine Gael nomination to run in the general election. Ms Carey has confirmed today that she will be seeking a nomination at the Clare Fine Gael selection convention on September 6 to run as a candidate in the upcoming general election. The Clarecastle woman, who has served as Chair of the party’s National Executive Council, is hoping to retain the seat held by her brother, Joe, since 2007. Her father, Donal, served as Fine Gael TD for Clare from 1982 to 2002 and Minister of State from 1995 to 1997. An experienced political strategist at regional and national level, she is currently employed as Occupational Therapist Manager with the University of Limerick Hospitals Group having previously worked with Milford Care Centre. “Although I have held positions at officer level in Clare and Dublin Central for almost 30 years, I am fully aware that there is no greater honour …

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