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Tag Archives: Forever Plaid

Forever Plaid on the Shannon stage

SHANNON group Muse Productions are to stage Forever Plaid at the Hope Cafe this week. Director Martin McNelis said that it is a very interesting production, which few people will have seen before. “It has a really small cast, there’s only four in the cast and two musicians. It’s very much a case of us trying to do something different. Obviously people are used to the large scale musicals or even plays, but it’s very rare that you get to see something like this, where it’s a small cast musical in a small venue.” Youth will have its fling through the show. “We’re trying to give opportunities to as many young people as we can. There are four young guys in the cast, they are playing a barbershop quartet. Then as musicians we have Shannon Hegarty, who is a young, up and coming, Cork School of Music graduate. We also have my own daughter Cliodhnna, she’s the chorus mistress, she …

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