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Surfer rescues unconscious woman from sea off Clare coast

A SWIMMER had to be airlifted to hospital yesterday evening after being rescued by a surfer from the sea off County Clare. A second...

GALLERY: Doonbeg residents commemorate air tragedy

A group of Doonbeg residents organised a special commemoration ceremony recently for the 80th anniversary of the crash landing of an RAF flying boat...

Trump Doonbeg further information queried

IN a submission to Clare County Council, relating to the further information supplied to the local authority by Trump International Golf Links regarding their...

€30m Trump investment dependent on planning

SHOULD Trump International in Doonbeg be successful in obtaining planning permission from Clare County Council to build revised coastal projection works on Doughmore beach,...

Doughmore group wants jobs protected

THE newly-formed Doughmore Coastal Protection Group will host a public meeting in Doonbeg hall next Monday night as members seek public support for coastal...

Doonbeg expansion dependent on coastal works

UNLESS rock armour protection is put in front of the sand dunes in Doughmore Beach, the Doonbeg golf course will eventually be rendered unusable....
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