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Socially distanced dancing lifts spirits at St Theresa’s in Kilrush

AS visiting restrictions remain in place at the country’s nursing homes, staff at St Theresa’s in Kilrush pulled out all the stops to lift...

Covid-19 cases continue to rise in Clare

A further 28 people diagnosed with Covid-19 have died in Ireland while the number of positive cases in Clare is on the increase, up...

Caring continues under Covid-19 pressures

CARERS impacted by Covid-19 restrictions are struggling with a lack of respite and home support visits, but keeping their spirits up through check-in phone...

Anna clocking up 100km in fund-raising lock-down run

A YOUNG Whitegate woman is determined to show her support for East Clare’s older citizens during the lock-down, by pledging to run 100km before...

Spancilhill Fair Called Off Over Covid Concerns

THE world famous Spancilhill Horse Fair has been cancelled for the second time ever in its 400-year history. Restrictions associated with Covid-19 have prompted...

One new Covid-19 case in Clare

The Health Protection Surveillance Centre has confirmed that a further 49 people diagnosed with Covid-19 in Ireland have died, bringing the number of deaths...

Clare’s Covid-19 cases now at 164

While over 16,000 people nationwide have tested positive for Covid-19, over half of those diagnosed with the virus have recovered while 856 people have...

Clare doctors in the frame for remote consulting

THE use of remote consulting has become more important for Clare’s family doctors during the current Covid-19 pandemic. While remote consulting will not work for...
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