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Councillor Tom McNamara

Book of Condolence opened for Las Vegas attack victims

Clare County Council has opened a Book of Condolence at Áras Contae an Chláir in Ennis in memory of the victims of Sunday night’s...

Uncertainty over emergency department opening date

CONCERN is growing over the lack of a definitive date for the opening of the new Emergency Department (ED) at University Hospital Limerick (UHL). UL...

Call goes out for hospital upgrade

Mayor of Ennis Johnny Flynn has led the call for a meeting with the new CEO of UL Hospital Group in a bid to...

Leader funding to fall

LEADER funding will be down by €105 million over the next five years, according to Councillor PJ Kelly, while CEDRA funding will be worth...

Rent waiver proposal for filling vacant premises

ENNIS councillors have backed a motion calling on Clare County Council to introduce a rent waiver scheme that would give traders who set up...

Digital speed signs for Circular Road

TRAFFIC calming measures which have already proven to be a success at reducing speed in other parts of Ennis are now to be introduced...
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