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Magical month for animals

TO the ancient Celts, the year had two ‘hinges’. These were Beltaine (the first of May) and Samhain, (the first of November), which is...

Protecting pets from fireworks

ALTHOUGH fireworks are illegal in Ireland, we are all too aware of them as early as October. Each year we are asked to keep...

Expelling pet myths

THERE are lots of myths that have existed around pets and these are just a few. * A wagging tail means a happy dog: Dog body...

All for the birds

SPRING is finally here and our wildlife needs a bit of help as they prepare for the mating season and raising their young. Our...

Keeping safe around your pet

FOLLOWING on from the dog bite prevention article a few weeks ago, here are some tips for parents and dog owners to help keep...

Keeping your dog mentally healthy

KEEPING your dog happy and healthy is just part of being a dog owner and keeping your dog healthy also includes his mental well-being....

Pets can help you be healthier and happier

Our pets need to be companion animals, well socialised with people and our homes to be of benefit to us. Dogs and cats kept...

Bite prevention programme

THE Be a Tree programme is an innovative and interactive dog bite prevention education programme created by the non-profit organization, Doggone Safe. Statistics show...
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