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HomeNewsStudents' Union offers advice on exam results

Students’ Union offers advice on exam results

Clare Champion Print Subscription

The Irish Second-Level Students’ Union has congratulated all 57,929 students who received their Leaving Certificate and Leaving Certificate Applied results today.

Speaking this morning, ISSU President Rob O’Donnell said, “As a Leaving Cert student, I now fully understand the emotions, the stress, the strain and the uncertainty that goes through young people’s minds during this time of year. No matter what way results go, we will survive. It’s important to be proud of your achievements and to not stress over points and the CAO offer rounds. I wish everyone the very best of luck with their results. Thing will always work out in the end and these exams will not define anyone as a person. Celebrate responsibly and best of luck for next year, whatever it may entail.”

ISSU deputy president, Joanna Siewierska added, “As a Leaving Cert survivor myself, I completely understand the butterflies and the emotions that you are feeling right now. Take plenty of deep breaths and remember there are so many different options for life after the Leaving Cert. I wish you all the very best. Make sure to to reach out to family members and friends. There is always someone there to speak to!”

Each year the National Parent’s Council (Post-Primary) organises a very valuable exam helpline which provides advice and guidance for students and parents. This Freephone Exam Helpline 1800 265 165 is staffed by professional guidance counsellors. The ISSU urges students to use this helpline and speak to someone if they have concerns or are unhappy with their results. For more information see

A native of Ennis, Colin McGann has been editor of The Clare Champion since August 2020. Former editor of The Clare People, he is a journalism and communications graduate of Dublin Institute of Technology.

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