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HomeBreaking NewsPlanning granted for Quin homes but for fewer units

Planning granted for Quin homes but for fewer units

Clare Champion Print Subscription

PERMISSION has been granted for 36 new homes in the village of Quin, subject to 25 conditions being satisfied. Datcha Construction, who lodged their planning application in January of 2022 for a site at Quingardens, have secured the permission despite some local opposition.

While the developer originally sought permission for 41 homes, the local planning authority has reduced the permitted number by five. The developer had applied for permission for 13 detached, 10 semi-detached and 18 terraced houses on a site of just under two hectares.

During the initial assessment of the plans, five objections were received by the local authority. These included a joint submission from Quin Garden Residents, raising concerns about local bat roosts and other issues.

County planners sought FI on nine aspects of the housing proposals. These included further details of the impact on the Lower River Shannon Area Special Area of Conservation (SAC), the Poulnagordon Cave SAC and the Old Domestic Buildings SAC.

The developer was also asked to have a full bat survey undertaken and a lighting plan drawn up in compliance with guidelines from Bat Conservation Ireland.

Datcha was also asked for a site-specific Flood Risk Assessment as well as details of their plans to manage the river band area behind a number of the proposed homes. Planners also raised concerns about the density of the proposed development and they asked for further variety in the housing designs.

They also asked Datcha for an upgrade of the access road from the proposed site entrance to the junction with the L-3148. Revised boundary designs were sought, as well as a detailed landscaping plan.

On receipt of the developer’s response last October, the authority opened a further period of public consultation because the FI response was considered significant.

During this window, two of those who originally made submissions, got back in touch with planners. One of the additional submissions stressed the importance of storm and surface water management, and sought clarity on proposals in that regard.

Some of those concerns were echoed in the other additional submission. This raised questions too about the maintenance of the hedge and border with the new estate and about measures to reduce the risk of anti-social behaviour on open space beside the local stream.

As well as reducing the number of permitted homes to 36, the Council has attached a condition requiring that first occupation be by individual purchasers and not corporate entities.

In addition, a Natura Impact Statement supplied by the developer and must be implemented, with the exception of a Bat Night Roost, which must be excluded from the development.

A dry stone wall delineating a biodiversity area to the south west of the site must be built before groundworks and construction on the rest of the site.

Boundaries to the front of the homes must be by hedgerow only and existing hedgerow must be supplemented with further blackthorn hedging. Additional windows must be installed on one of the housing units and lighting proposals must be updated.

Groundworks must be monitored by an archaeologist and works suspended in the event that material with an archaeological interest are discovered.

Open space at the estate must be kept free of any development and the estate name must be agreed with the Council. Other conditions relate to the hours and management of construction work, finishes for properties and paths, surface water management, a development contribution, a cash bond and a “special contribution towards the provision of an uncontrolled pedestrian crossing point on the L-3148 to facilitate pedestrian connectivity from the proposed development to the village centre”.

A Part V agreement in relation to social housing has been agreed in principle, accordance to correspondence on the planning file.

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