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HomeBreaking NewsMark The Moment By Shining A Light On February 22

Mark The Moment By Shining A Light On February 22

THE Clare Cancer Support Centre are urging people to mark a special moment in time by shining a ray of light through the cloud left by the Covid-19 pandemic.

At 22.22pm on February 22, Clare Sláinte An Chláir ask everyone to shine a light for the past, present and future.

This day will mark an extraordinary moment in time. For one minute at 22.22pm on Tuesday, February 22, the date will contain nine twos.

This configuration will not occur again until 2222 – two hundred years from now when the date contains 10 twos.

Clare Cancer Support would like people to join them in marking this special moment. Locally and globally people have come through two of the most challenging years in living memory. But the centre wants people to step forward with hope.

“We will remember those who have died directly or indirectly due to the pandemic.

“We will honor those who have stayed on the front lines this past two years.

“We look forward to a brighter future,” a Clare Sláinte An Chláir spokeswoman outlined.

People can take part on February by switching on a light in a front room, placing a tea light in a window, or simply by stepping outside to see the stars or the light of the moon.

An online prayer service will be offered at 10.22pm to mark this moment in time.

Clare County Council chairman, Councillor P J Ryan welcomed this show of solidarity for people who have been adversely impacted by the pandemic.

Councillor Ryan hopes that the council will turn on a light at this time in all their civic buildings to mark this special moment in time.

The first citizen praised Clare Sláinte an Chláir for coming up with the idea for this initiative.

“The faith of people has been seriously tested during Covid-19 and some people were finding it hard to see light at the end of the tunnel. This initiative will give them some hope there is light at the end of the tunnel.

“People have lost loved ones and their livelihood because of the pandemic. There is a strong possibility that some family businesses that have been operating for 100 years will not re-open.

“A lot of peoples’ mental health has been seriously impacted by the pandemic because they can’t go out and interact with others. It is very important for the elderly to be able to meet other people, particularly if they are living on their own.”

He said people with serious illness can also be left isolated by the pandemic, as hospital checks and treatment have been either delayed or cut back to the minimum.

“Hopefully, this initiative will help lift a dark cloud that has been in place since the start of the pandemic. It seems the latest variant is a bit weaker than other variants.

“Covid-19 will probably be with us for a while yet. A lot of serious illnesses have been brought under control with vaccines in the past.”

When people ring up to place an order with the Sixmilebridge oil distributor, he finds a lot of them want to stay on the phone longer to talk about general issues due to the lack of socialisation.

He pointed out a lot of social activities for young and elderly people have been greatly reduced since March 2020.

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Dan Danaher

East Clare correspondent, Dan Danaher is a journalism graduate of Rathmines and UL. He has won numerous awards for special investigations on health, justice, environment, and reports on news, agriculture, disability, mental health and community.

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