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HomeBreaking NewsHave your say on water quality issues in Clare

Have your say on water quality issues in Clare

VIEWS are being sought on measures to improve water quality in Clare, with two public meetings taking place online this week.

On Tuesday, February 15, the Local Authority Waters Programme (LAWPRO) meeting will focus on the Shannon, Killaloe and Ennis Municipal Districts. The meeting will cover the following catchments Lower Shannon, Lough Derg & Fergus Catchments.

A meeting on Thursday evening will focus on the West Clare Municipal District and will cover the following catchments the Inagh River, Shannon Estuary and the Malbay catchment.

The meetings will also look at the draft River Basin Management Plan (2022-2027). This blueprint sets out the environmental objectives to protect and restore rivers, lakes, estuaries and coastal waters together with the actions and measures required to ensure those objectives are achieved.

The online public consultation meetings offer an opportunity for local people to input into the draft plan, to make a submission and to get involved in helping to protect and restore local water bodies.

Recent reports show the effects of climate change are becoming more noticeable. Agencies responsible for protecting Ireland’s rivers have found that agriculture, forestry and hydromorphology (physical changes) are the leading causes of pollution in our rivers, lakes, estuaries, and coastal waters.

While the latest water quality data shows that 53% of our surface waters (rivers, lakes, estuarine waters) are in ‘Good’ or ‘High’ ecological status, it also shows that 47% are in an ‘Unsatisfactory’ ecological status.

Good water quality in our natural water bodies is a precious resource. LAWPRO works to promote a healthy water environment. It does so by identifying water quality issues and seeks ways to improve them.

The EPA assessment of river water quality in 2019 and 2020 indicates some recovery in water quality, with more rivers showing improvements (345) than declines (230).
Water quality analysis indicates that agriculture, hydromorphology (or physical changes to habitat conditions and water flow) together with forestry and urban waste water are the main pressures on water quality.

LAWPRO’s work forms part of a new and collaborative approach engaging all stakeholders, specifically at local level, to protect and improve water quality.
Over recent years, Ireland has made substantial progress in how we manage our water services and how we work collaboratively to improve water quality. Despite this water quality is still in decline.

Healthy and well protected river catchments are vital for people, nature and our economy. Clean water is vital for protecting public health, supporting economic growth and preserving our natural water bodies.

In turn, clean water support habitats, biodiversity and ecosystem which depend on water, which in turn support all of us in the face of a climate and biodiversity emergency.

LAWPRO encourages local people to get involved in the management of their local water bodies, to have your say and get involved.

A full list of meetings and information on how to register can be found here .

For more information and details of how to attend the online events, contact Ruairí Ó Conchúir, Community Water Officer on 085-8083715, or email roconchuir@lawaters.ie.

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