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HomeRegionalEnnisEnnis Lions auction raises more than €30,000 for Bushypark

Ennis Lions auction raises more than €30,000 for Bushypark

MORE than €30,000 has been raised for Bushypark as a result of a fundraising campaign organised by Ennis Lions.

When Ennis Lions Club committed to fundraise for the development project at Bushypark a full year ago they sought a project that provided a win for all stakeholders.

Led by the success of their colleagues in Galway Lions they chose to undertake the mammoth task of a charity auction to be carried out online and on radio. The principle reason for this choice was that it provided an avenue that gave back to donors as well as providing great value on a broad range of desirable goods to local people.

Little did they know their choice would end up being the talk of October 2022 across the county! Project team leader David Goodstein credited this WIN/WIN formula to the huge success of their recent Charity Auction during October which saw them raise a magnificent €30,343 for Bushypark.

Back in March the Lions volunteers took to the hunt and approached businesses, professionals, tradesmen and sportsclubs across Clare seeking out goods and services that could be auctioned online, offering a promotional platform on their auction website and a mention on Clare FM in return.

The response was phenomenal with businesses donating 220+ items to the final auction list in October.

Bidders had an opportunity to browse over a six week period with bidding opening just 11 days before the final gavel sounded on air on October 21.

That format led to some highly charged bidding action with savvy pundits holding off until the last 48 hours to show their online skills and grab the winning bids.

Items that seemed of little interest garnered a flurry of bids in the final hours to bump up the funds raised while at the same time gained generous bidders bargains galore.

Lions member Conor Smith, who narrated the auction finale with statistics and background data, advised that 97% of items were sold at an average of 65-70% of actual value. Winners all round!

Mags Nash, Manager at Bushypark, announced she and her team were delighted and absolutely overwhelmed at the result saying few people raise funds for addiction services.

She thanked everybody involved declaring that the money would be used to furnish their recent extension which would be opened in January 2023.

This extension will increase the quantity and quality of accommodation Bushypark provides, with additional counselling rooms, training room and recreational and relaxation areas to enhance service delivery to addicts.

Importantly it will extend services to addicts families who are often also in great need of counselling and emotional support.

Lions President Paul Watson was on hand at the finale to pay tribute to the volunteers who drove the project to its success, citing the determined spirit and dedication of the auction team.

He also thanked Clare FM for the partnership to promote the event and acknowledged both donors and bidders in equal measure for making the effort and commitment to support Bushypark.

Ennis Lions Club has served the community of Ennis and its environs for over 40 years. Driving a number of projects throughout the year it welcomes new members with a commitment to social and community projects to come forward and get involved at any time.

Check www.ennislionsclub.ie https://www.facebook.com/LionsClubofEnnis

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