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HomeNewsEast Clare farmers urged to consider pilot agri-scheme

East Clare farmers urged to consider pilot agri-scheme

A FINAL call has been issued to East Clare farmers to express their interest in participating in a pilot agri-environmntal programme, with a projected annual payment of €5,000. Waters of LIFE is an EU-funded project trialling water quality measures that work for local communities.

The project is gathering local knowledge on the Graney sub-catchment and is developing an action plan for the area. The sub-catchment includes Lough Graney, Lough Atorick, Bleach River, Graney River, Corra River and Dromindoora River. Water quality solutions identified will be used to feed into future national and EU policy.

Up to 100 East Clare farmers are being invited into a new agri-environmental programme for water quality. Waters of LIFE are projecting an average payment of about €5000 per farmer per year for their EU-funded pilot.

For more on this story and all the latest news from the Banner County, pick up this week’s Clare Champion or view our digital edition which is available HERE

East Clare correspondent, Dan Danaher is a journalism graduate of Rathmines and UL. He has won numerous awards for special investigations on health, justice, environment, and reports on news, agriculture, disability, mental health and community.

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