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HomeMotoringDangerous dips in road need to be addressed - Hayes

Dangerous dips in road need to be addressed – Hayes

DANGEROUS dips on a stretch of road in North East Clare have been highlighted by a local councillor who lives close by. 

The condition of a stretch of road between Killanena and Dromindoora was criticised by Councillor Pat Hayes who called on officials of the Killaloe Municipal District to included on the works schedule for 2023. 

“There is dipping in the road,” Councillor Hayes told the most recent district meeting.

“A small section was done a few years ago, but it now needs an overlay to make it safe. It is a very well-trafficked route. A big amount of Galway-bound traffic uses it. The road, in general, is quite good, but a section has dipped and its quite dangerous. That needs to be addressed.”

The motion was seconded by Councillor Tony O’Brien and supported by Cathaoirleach, Councillor Alan O’Callaghan. “There is definitely a need for black top on the R461,” Councillor O’Callaghan said.

“Those tar-and-chip jobs on many roads are not going to last. They are fine for local and minor roads, but wont last on regional road. Those needs proper black top. Tar and chip will be gone again in a year or two.”

Councillor Hayes thanked Action Senior Executive Engineer Derek Troy for his written response to the motion. The reply confirmed that the specified section of the R461 will be “considered for restoration improvement roadworks” for 2023.

“An inspection will be undertaken to establish its current condition, to assess if more immediate repairs are required to be undertaken,” the response stated.

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