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Training scheme for film makers launched

FILM MAKERS in Clare will have the opportunity to produce their own documentaries as part of a newly-launched scheme in the Mid-West.
A training and production scheme for emerging documentary film makers has been launched by Innovate Limerick through Film in Limerick.
ENGINE Docs, supported by Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board and delivered in partnership with the Sheffield DocFest in England, will train and support regional up-and-coming talent to work as documentary directors and producers.
Up to 12 shortlisted teams will receive training from Irish and international documentary experts to develop their project ideas leading to four teams being awarded production funding of up to €10,000 each to produce a short 10-minute documentary film.
Shortlisted directors and producers will also receive accreditation for the Sheffield DocFest’s 2021 online programme running from June 4 to 13.
Paul C Ryan, regional film manager at Film in Limerick, said, “This new scheme will offer aspiring and emerging documentary talent a professional progression route to working in the industry.”
The deadline for applications is Monday, May 24, 2021 at 12 noon. For more information check www.sheffdocfest.com

About Jessica Quinn

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