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HomeMotoringTarred-over road sign at site of accident restored

Tarred-over road sign at site of accident restored

Clare Champion Print Subscription

ROAD markings have been reinstated at Ballyhannon Cross where recently a resident was hit by a van which failed to halt at a stop sign.

The need for the road markings was highlighted at a recent meeting of the Ennis Municipal District by Mayor of Ennis, Councillor Clare Colleran Molloy.

She urged that the “necessary road markings be reinstalled at Ballyhannon Cross”. The work has since been done.

Since the roads were resurfaced months ago, she said, the white lining from the stop signs indicating the stop line were tarred over at Ballyhannon Cross.

“These white lines need to be replaced urgently, in light of a recent incident where a local resident was going down Ballyhannon to Quin when he was struck by a van at the cross who failed to stop at the stop sign.”

Paddy Tiernan, A/Senior Executive Engineer, informed the meeting that the road markings would be reinstated at Ballyhannon Cross with Councillor Colleran Molloy saying the matter has been resolved “to the satisfaction of residents”. She expressed appreciation for the promptness of the response.

Councillor Colleran Molloy also sought “Children at Play” signage be erected further to requests from the residents of Ballyhannon North and South “as there are many children in these areas”.

Mr Tiernan stated, “The Department of Transport Traffic Signs Manual does not include for “Children at Play” signage.

“A “Children Crossing” sign is allowed for. Guidance within the Traffic Signs Manual suggest this sign is only to be used in towns and villages.

“We will seek further advice from the Department of Transport and install “Children Crossing” signs if deemed appropriate by Department of Transport”.

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