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James Treacy

East Clare link to ‘Dancing Nancy’ bomb plotter

A FASCINATING radio documentary tracing the story of a Mayo woman, who orchestrated the bombing of a community dancehall, has an East Clare twist,...

Ukraine dating tour operator keeping an eye on the Russians

AS tensions between Russia and Ukraine continue to escalate, an East Clare tour operator planning a “dating tour” to Kiev has said he is...

For whom the bell tolls: Clare man shooting for Angelus video

A SCARIFF photographer is hoping to have a second video shown on RTÉ television, as part of The People’s Angelus. James Treacy, from Moynoe, has...

New camera club seeks members

A NEW club for photography enthusiasts in the East Clare area is on the cards. The organisation, likely to get off the ground early...

Photography course in Scarriff ‘could earn graduates €90k p.a.’ – sponsored

SCARRIFF-BASED photographer James Treacy has launched a new photography course in his native town. He claims any student who finishes the course has the...

Documentary to be made on Clareman’s Ukraine dating tour

AN EAST Clare man’s efforts to find long-term love for up to 30 single men, by leading a dating tour to Ukraine, are to...

Pilgrimage planner diversifies into international matchmaking

A SCARIFF man, who runs pilgrimages to the Holy Land and other religious sites, is to diversify by offering what he describes as “dating...

Scariff man’s work to air on RTÉ TV

THE WORK of a Scariff man will be aired on the national broadcaster from Friday evening, as part of The People’s Angelus, which is...
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