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Garda Commissioner

Gardaí facing ‘morale crisis’

The Aontú general election candidate for Clare has said policing in the county is in crisis and that Garda cuts undermine community safety. June Dillon...

Corruption probe ‘tearing lives apart’

A PROBE into the conduct of eight Gardai in the Midwest is “tearing many lives apart”, Clare’s Joint Policing Committee (JPC) was told this...

Slow increase in Clare garda numbers alarming, says TD

AN INCREASE of just six in Garda numbers in Clare, over the past decade, has been described by Deputy Cathal Crowe as “alarming”. As...

Commissioner apologises for service failure in Clare emergency calls

GARDA Commissioner Drew Harris has apologised after confirming that a total of 22 emergency calls in Clare did not receive an appropriate response in...

Further clarity sought over use of CCTV to tackling fly-tipping

CLARITY has once again been sought over the use of CCTV to convict those involved in illegal dumping, in light of concerns raised the...

Conway wants outside Garda Commissioner

Fine Gael spokesman on Justice in Seanad Éireann, Senator Martin Conway, has said the new Garda Commissioner should be appointed from outside the ranks...

New Garda Commissioner has Clare relatives

THE appointment of the new Garda Commissioner Noirín O’Sullivan has been greeted warmly by her relations in Clare and by the local chief superintendent...
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