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Rain fails to dampen Fleadh

After the street sessions on Monday and Tuesday, the rain on Tuesday night  kept the musicians indoors. Rain today (Wednesday) also curtailed matters outdoors...

Great start to All-Ireland Fleadh

Following the official launch of Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann by the President D Higgins on Sunday evening, the event has taken on a tremendous...

Fleadh 2016 kicks off on a high note

Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann was officially launched on Sunday afternoon to throngs of people who gathered in the county town to celebrate this momentus...

Eoin Shares his passion for music

PASSIONATE about playing himself and bringing the music of others into the public domain, Eoin O’Neill is a big part of the scene in...

Children’s postcards from the Fleadh

THE protection of the environment is the theme of postcards designed by young people from across the county, which have been distributed throughout Ennis...

Pubs stock up for busy week

FACTORS such as rising prices, the smoking ban and a severe recession have seen pubs endure several years of decline, but Ennis publicans are...

Youth singing workshops at Fleadh

Clare County Council is to host two free traditional singing workshops during Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann in Ennis next week. The workshops, which offer young...

Céilí bands from Japan

Toyota may be one of the world’s leading car brands but, in Japan, it is one of the country’s most popular surnames. Kozo Toyota is...
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