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JLR Shannon EMPOWER engineers of the future

STUDENTS from across Clare and the MidWest have been inspired to develop creative, innovative and entrepreneurial skills for life as part of this year’s EMPOWER programme....

The sky is the limit for Kilrush students

The sky was certainly the limit for students from Kilrush Community School when teams of transition year students from across Clare and Limerick designed,...

Hank Krabbe Scholarship for Ennis student

Ennis engineering student, Graham Britchfield from Rockmount has been awarded a Hank Krabbe Scholarship at University of Limerick. A fourth year electronic and computer engineering...

Clare students plumb for science and technology

A total of  83% of secondary school students in Clare believe that science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) subjects offer the best career opportunity,...

O’Donnell says be SMART about college

As the CAO Change of Mind deadline on July1 looms, Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) is reminded parents and students considering whether to study science, technology,...

Clare’s young ‘graduates’ at NUI Galway

Clara Feeney from Inch National School and Seosamh Ryan from Holy Family Senior School, Ennis were among 200 primary school children who were conferred...
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