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Tag Archives: Coolmeen National School

Mighty Coolmeen START to shine in research event

A West Clare school has been honoured in a national research trials competition. Coolmeen National School in Kilrush, a two-teacher school, is one of just three primary schools which have been awarded a 2024 START Competition Trophy by University of Galway for using randomised trial methodology to answer a question related to their environment or lifestyle. The Schools Teaching Awareness of Randomised Trials (START) is an annual competition encouraging children throughout Ireland to learn about healthcare decisions and how health and well-being can be improved by learning about randomised trials. Sometimes called clinical trials, randomised trials are a type of research study often used to find out if a new medicine or treatment works. Awarded for its research project, Coolmeen NS were awarded first place in the 2024 START Competition for their trial titled ‘Do children learn more when working in groups or doing independent work?’ The students randomised their fellow schoolmates into two groups with a spinner wheel. Using …

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Coolmeen: A small parish with a big heart

LOCAL historian and Coolmeen GAA club activist Paul Markham estimates that the current parish population is 650, in what is a 225-house community. He says that in the region of 30 people from the community, in the 20 to 30-year-old age bracket, have had to emigrate in search of work. While there are plenty of young players on the panel, the two schools in the parish have a combined pupil population of just 32. There are two teachers in Cranny National School, which has 21 pupils, while one-teacher Coolmeen National School has 11 pupils. This reflects the challenge that many rural schools in West Clare face, as populations continue to decline in the region. There is no post office and no shop in the 24-townland parish, which has two pubs. “Since the 1960s all three post offices in Shanahea, Cranny and Coolmeen have closed. The creamery at Cranny has been demolished. Public houses like Moloney’s in Coolmeen and McMahon’s in …

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