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Council asked to cut Ennis estate a break over mass of grass

AN Ennis housing estate has been “abandoned” by the local authority, an Ennis councillor has claimed. Calls have been made for the Ennis Municipal...

Green light for Ennis traffic calming works

THE green light has been given for traffic calming measures to be introduced in Ennis at a location where cars are travelling at speeds...

Sharp rise in restrictive practices at Ennis psychiatric unit

THERE has been an increase of 70% in the use of physical force to manage patients at Ennis’s Acute Psychiatric Unit, new figures show....

Delays due to Tulla Road works

A traffic light system is operating on the Tulla Road (the R352) in Ennis to facilitate surfacing works at the new roundabout at Cappahard and Oakleigh Wood. Long...

Improved cycling infrastructure on the way

Clare County Council has confirmed that construction work on two transport infrastructure projects in Ennis will commence in the coming days. Work is set to...
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