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Tag Archives: burren in bloom

Burren in Bloom festival returns this month

BURREN in Bloom, the annual celebration of the Burren’s rich biodiversity returns this May. The event, running from Thursday, May 19 to Sunday, May 22 will include a range of guided walks, evening talks and family events to coincide with the UN International Day for Biological Diversity on May 22. Áine Bird, Coordinator of Burrenbeo Trust says, “Burren in Bloom is more than a celebration, it is an important reminder that the wonder of the Burren’s wildflowers must not be taken for granted. “Careful management and continuation of the ancient practice of winterage by hundreds of farmers in the Burren, the scientific and economic support they receive, and the informed pride of the local community in our natural heritage – all play a crucial part in keeping the Burren blooming each year.” This year, the festival will start with an online talk on the evening of Thursday, May 19 on ‘Nature as a partner – changing attitudes to nature and …

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Carron launch for flower and insect guides

Insects and wildflowers will be examined this weekend as part of the Burren in Bloom festival. Insects of Ireland – An Illustrated Introduction to Ireland’s Common Insect Groups by Stephen McCormack and Eugenie Regan, with illustrations by Chris Shields, published by The Collins Press, is one of two books being launched this weekend in Cassidy’s Pub, Carron. “About one third of our insect species are under threat of extinction, which is worrying because insects are vitally important in our environment. Eugenie and I both agree with David Attenborough who famously said, ‘If we and the rest of the back-boned animals were to disappear overnight, the rest of the world would get on pretty well. But if the invertebrates were to disappear, the world’s ecosystems would collapse’,” said Stephen. Insects are the most diverse group of animals in Ireland but most are very small and escape notice. Identifying them accurately can be very difficult. The guide, by experts Stephen and Eugenie, …

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