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Lucy on the pig’s back…

EVERY day many dogs are walked on the Tulla Road in Ennis but if you are in the vicinity, you might also be lucky...

Emotions, not just for humans

  SCIENTISTS studying animal behaviour have growing evidence that species ranging from mice to primates are governed by moral codes of conduct in the same...

Magical month for animals

TO the ancient Celts, the year had two ‘hinges’. These were Beltaine (the first of May) and Samhain, (the first of November), which is...

Arrest made following dumping of horses and cattle

A MAN in his sixties was arrested this morning under the Waste Management Act, in connection with the discovery of animal carcasses at Baltard Cliffs in...

Swans make Sunday visit to Angela

A FAMILY of swans going on a Sunday afternoon ramble in Clarecastle held up traffic this afternoon before Angela Kelleher managed to divert them into...
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