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HomeRegionalEast & Southeast ClareCouncil seeks more detail on controversial telecoms mast

Council seeks more detail on controversial telecoms mast

MORE details are being sought on a controversial plan for a 21-metre telecoms in an east Clare town, writes Fiona McGarry.

While the Council originally indicated that a decision could be made this month, it has now asked developers Eir for Further Information (FI), following significant public opposition in Scariff and a representation from a local TD.

Eir proposes to replace a 12-metre wooden pole, at its exchange on The Connacht Road, with a much higher mast with dishes, antennas and other equipment.

When submissions closed at the end of January, a total of 11 objections had been made. One of those is a detailed document with 48 signatures on behalf of East Clare Community Residents.

That objection raises concerns about public health, the proximity of the site to Scariff National School and the impact on the Architectural Conservation Area (ACA) of Scariff and Tuamgraney.

Deputy Michael McNamara made a representation on the file, “requesting the need for Clare County Council to engage with those who have made submissions and those who have concerns within the wider public to ensure those concerns are addressed in the planning process”.

In its letter of application, Eir argued the new mast would be screened by the exchange building and by mature trees, and that it is essential to 3G and 4G coverage for homes and businesses.
The document notes that the digital market is expanding “at exponential rates”.

“Today mobile phones are only one component of a digital world inhabited by a wide range of communications services including wearable technology and IoT [Internet of Things],” the letter states.

Eir has six months to respond to Clare County Council’s FI request.

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