A LANDMARK crafts company in Tuamgraney has given an assurance to planners that a proposed new small-scale apartment development will be in keeping with the village streetscape, writes Fiona McGarry. McKernan Woollen Mills Limited lodged plans last June for conversion of an existing cottage into three self-contained apartments. In August, planners requested Further Information (FI) from the company, in relation to the potential impact on the character of the East Clare village. In their letter, planners said they had “serious concerns in relation to the overall design of the development and the impact of same on both the Tuamgraney Architectural Conservation Area (ACA) and the general streetscape at this location”. Planners described the design of the rear extension as “inappropriate” and said there was “a lack of symmetry” in the arrangement of the windows in the front of the building. Further questions were asked about the size of one of the apartments, ventilation and possible overlooking of a neighbouring amenity …
Read More »IAA approved for new security measures amid trespass concerns
THE Irish Aviation Authority has been given planning permission for the replacement of boundary/perimeter fences at two of its buildings on Woodcock Hill with new 2.4metre high, pallisade fences. A letter which accompanied its two planning applications stated, “Having reviewed the option of replacing the existing fence with an identical type, our Safety and Security people have recommended that the existing fence be replaced with a more secure type fence to prevent the risk of unauthorised entry to the site with the possibility of injury to the trespassers and damage to the critical air navigational aids, which, if damaged, will affect operations in Irish airspace. “The specialist equipment located on site is not easily repaired or replaced in a hurry. “In order to prevent this happening, we are proposing to remove the existing fence and gate and replace it with a green plastic coated 2,400mm high palisade fence and gate.” It said that this would allow it to meet it …
Read More »Neighbour’s appeal against east Clare planning permission fails
AN Bord Pleanála has rejected an appeal against the granting of planning permission for a development near Mountshannon, writes Dan Danaher. Last June, Clare County Council granted Declan White and Ann Gitte Oerbaek planning permission for a development, subject to four standard conditions, which was subsequently appealed by their neighbour, Jim Grady of Cappaduff, Moutshannon. Permission was sought for retention of lean-to sunroom extension to east elevation of the existing studio building to the north/front of the site; kitchen extension to the east elevation of the existing dwelling house; converted lean-to structure from storage to bathroom and dressing room with extension to existing sunroom on the west elevation of the existing dwelling house. Approval was also requested for rainwater storage tank and associated structures located to the south/rear of the existing dwelling house; retention of terraced area and glass balustrade over rainwater storage tank; new road entrance onto R352 road and associated wing walls; upgraded farm roadway from new road …
Read More »Council seeks more detail on controversial telecoms mast
MORE details are being sought on a controversial plan for a 21-metre telecoms in an east Clare town, writes Fiona McGarry. While the Council originally indicated that a decision could be made this month, it has now asked developers Eir for Further Information (FI), following significant public opposition in Scariff and a representation from a local TD. Eir proposes to replace a 12-metre wooden pole, at its exchange on The Connacht Road, with a much higher mast with dishes, antennas and other equipment. When submissions closed at the end of January, a total of 11 objections had been made. One of those is a detailed document with 48 signatures on behalf of East Clare Community Residents. That objection raises concerns about public health, the proximity of the site to Scariff National School and the impact on the Architectural Conservation Area (ACA) of Scariff and Tuamgraney. Deputy Michael McNamara made a representation on the file, “requesting the need for Clare County …
Read More »Opposition to mast in Clare town continues to grow
CONTROVERSIAL plans for a 21-metre telecoms mast in Scariff have prompted a major objection from a group calling itself East Clare Community Residents, writes Fiona McGarry. Eir proposes to replace a 12-metre wooden pole, at its exchange on The Connacht Road, with a much higher mast with dishes, antennas and other equipment. When submissions closed at the end of January, a total of 11 objections had been made. One of those is a detailed document with 48 signatures on behalf of East Clare Community Residents. Deputy Michael McNamara, has also made a representation on the file, “requesting the need for Clare County Council to engage with those who have made submissions and those who have concerns within the wider public to ensure those concerns are addressed in the planning process”. The 14-page objection from East Clare Community Residents raises concerns about the impact of the proposed mast on the Architectural Conservation Area (ACA) of Scariff and Tuamgraney. It outlines detailed …
Read More »Clare club calls on council to keep pace with village’s growth
CRUSHEEN GAA has secured planning permission for a new astroturf facility, along with improvements to the accessibility of its grounds, writes Owen Ryan. The club is currently raffling a Skoda Fabia acquired from Al Hayes Motors to help with the cost of what will be the most significant expansion of its facilities in over 30 years. Michael O’Connor, whose five-year term as chairman of the club has just concluded, said that with Crusheen’s population expanding, it is important that the club keeps progressing. “Crusheen in the last number of years has spiralled in size, there’s nearly 300 houses in the village and more to come. “Also, on every side road you travel, there have been more and more one-off houses built over the last 10 or 12 years. It’s great for the community and so many people are joining the club every year, it’s nearly difficult to keep track. “Two years ago we had to decide would we stay as …
Read More »March date for verdict on housing proposal in Clare village
COUNTY planners have given March 24 as an indicative decision date for a major new housing development in the offing for a Clare village, writes Fiona McGarry. A proposal to build 41 homes on a large site at Quin Gardens in the heart of Quin village is being considered currently by the local authority. The application from Datcha Construction is seeking permission for 13 detached, 10 semi-detached and 18 terraced houses on a site of just under two hectares. Five of the homes will be two-bed units, 32 will be three-bed and the remaining four homes will be four-bed. The largest of the proposed homes will be just over 158 square metres, while the smallest units will be just over 109 square metres. A total of 95 car parking spaces are proposed and provision has been made for charging points for Electric Vehicles (EVs). Drawings and site plans show that the proposed homes are arranged in four clusters, with a …
Read More »Four councillors added to retention file for infill near Clare SAC
FOUR Ennis councillors are included as public representatives on a planning application seeking permission for an unauthorised infill development near a Special Area of Conservation on the outskirts of Ennis. Brendan Keane has lodged a planning application with Clare County Council seeking retention permission for the recently constructed replacement fence and the infilling works to the site at the rear of Ennis Abattoir, Tulla Road, Ennis. Councillor Mary Howard, Councillor Mark Nestor, Councillor Clare Colleran-Molloy and Councillor Pat Daly wrote to the council asking to include them as public representatives on the file. Councillor Colleran-Molloy stated, “it is my understanding that support for this appeal lies in the fact there was need for the works to protect the boundary fence and to allow trucks to turn.” Councillor Nestor said he would like to make representations on behalf of the applicant and hoped this representation would be taken into consideration when a decision is being made. Councillor Howard outlined she would …
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