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HomeRegionalEast & Southeast ClareMarch date for verdict on housing proposal in Clare village

March date for verdict on housing proposal in Clare village

COUNTY planners have given March 24 as an indicative decision date for a major new housing development in the offing for a Clare village, writes Fiona McGarry.

A proposal to build 41 homes on a large site at Quin Gardens in the heart of Quin village is being considered currently by the local authority.

The application from Datcha Construction is seeking permission for 13 detached, 10 semi-detached and 18 terraced houses on a site of just under two hectares.

Five of the homes will be two-bed units, 32 will be three-bed and the remaining four homes will be four-bed. The largest of the proposed homes will be just over 158 square metres, while the smallest units will be just over 109 square metres.

A total of 95 car parking spaces are proposed and provision has been made for charging points for Electric Vehicles (EVs).

Drawings and site plans show that the proposed homes are arranged in four clusters, with a sizeable area of green space in the centre of the development, with another landscaped area proposed for the northern boundary.

The plans show that the site will be bounded to the east by an existing stream and a hedgerow which is to be retained. A two-metre high concrete post and panel fence is also proposed along the eastern and southern boundaries.

Ballynacally-based Datcha Construction are the proposed purchasers of the site. Signed consent for the development has been provided by the landowner and interest in this parcel of land has been intense in recent times.

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