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HomeBreaking NewsLiscannor homes approved but only for full-time occupation

Liscannor homes approved but only for full-time occupation

PLANNING permission has been granted for the development of four houses at Holland Street, Liscannor, on the proviso they are for permanent residents only.

A planner’s report on the application by John Vaughan says that the site comprises two parcels of land on the north side of the street.

Planning has been granted subject to nine conditions, one of which is that the dwellings be for permanent occupation only.

Another condition requires that the buildings “shall be single storey or single storey with attic accommodation and shall have regard to the design and character of the built environment in the vicinity of the site.” This is said to be required in the interests of visual amenity.

Another condition requires that the existing road boundary “be retained in its entirety except where its removal is required for the construction of an entrance to serve the dwellings”.

“Side walls and piers of the proposed entrance shall be tied into the existing roadside boundary, all to the satisfaction of the planning authority.”

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