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HomeNewsHSE Continue Covid-19 Vaccine Walk-In Clinics

HSE Continue Covid-19 Vaccine Walk-In Clinics


UL Hospitals’ Group vaccinators will continue operating three Walk-In Dose One and Dose Two Vaccine Clinics this weekend, starting from Friday.

These clinics are strictly for Dose One and Dose Two vaccines, and should not be attended by anyone seeking a third vaccine dose.

The Walk-In Dose One and Dose Two clinics will be held at the Mid-West Covid-19 Vaccination Centres in Ennis Hospital in the former Outpatients’ Department on Friday, November 26, from 4 to 7pm in the Abbey Court Hotel Nenagh on Saturday from 4 to 6pm and in Limerick Racecourse on Sunday, November 28 from 2 to 6pm.

Anyone attending a walk-in clinic for a second dose should bring their vaccine record card. A minimum of 21 days must have passed after Pfizer Dose 1 before Dose 2 is administered. The interval is 28 days for people who have received AstraZeneca/Moderna Dose 1 and are presenting for Pfizer Dose Two.

People presenting, whether for Dose One or Dose Two, and who have received a Covid-positive test result, should not attend for vaccination until 28 days after the date of the Covid-positive result.

No appointment is necessary for these walk-in clinics, and there is no requirement to register on the national vaccine registration portal. However, children under 16 years must be accompanied to centres by a parent or guardian.


For identification, anyone attending should bring their birth certificate, or a photo ID such as driving licence, public services card, travel pass, passport, Garda-issued National Age Card, or school or college ID).

For queries, contact the local HSE-approved helpline number on 087-9681240 9am-6pm, seven days a week.

All walk-in clinic dates and times and related information will be published on the HSE website here. Outside of these walk-in clinics, parents or guardians of children aged 12 to 15 may continue to register children on the HSE website via this link.


Up to close of business on Sunday November 21st, UL Hospitals’ Group vaccination teams had delivered a total of 406,949 Covid-19 vaccines since the Mid-West vaccination programme began on January 4th.

This includes doses delivered under vaccine booster programmes and the Dose 3 programme for people with weakened immune systems who do not generate the full immune response to the first two vaccine doses.

This total does not include vaccination work undertaken by their colleagues in HSE Mid-West Community Healthcare, the National Ambulance Service, general practitioners and pharmacists.


UL Hospitals’ Group continues working to ensure that everyone in the Mid-West will receive a vaccine, in line with national guidance on Covid-19 vaccination.

The group urge anyone in the region who has not received a Dose One or Dose Two vaccine to attend the walk-in clinics this Thursday, Friday and Sunday.

Anyone with queries about Covid-19 vaccination may contact the national helpline on 1850-241850.

Need information and advice on Covid-19? Go to www.hse.ie/coronavirus


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East Clare correspondent, Dan Danaher is a journalism graduate of Rathmines and UL. He has won numerous awards for special investigations on health, justice, environment, and reports on news, agriculture, disability, mental health and community.

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