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HomeLifestyleGALLERY: New Ennis Scout Hall is officially opened

GALLERY: New Ennis Scout Hall is officially opened

THE opening of the new €500,000 hall secures the future of scouting in Ennis and further enhances the group’s international reputation.

That’s according to deputy leader of Ennis Scouts, John Egan, who has thanked the local community for their support of the project.

At Saturday’s official opening, John said the facility starts a new chapter in the history of Ennis Scouts.

“It’s fabulous to have it. There is a long tradition of scouting in Ennis. Today was like a family reunion. It was great to have everyone involved, from the youth members and all the people who have given their lives to scouting in Ennis.

“It doesn’t matter if you are in scouting for a day or a lifetime, we appreciate the help that you give,” John told The Clare Champion.

Ennis Scouts currently caters for 150 members and the new hall has already seen the group host scouts from across Europe.

John said, “That’s about at our capacity with the amount of adult members that we have. Like any organisation we could probably take in more if we had them. Every night of the week, we have groups here. We’re going all week long and to have the hall for activities at the weekend is great.”

“It means we have a building going forward that is fit for purpose. We have capacity to bring in more children if needs be. A big part of it is that we have a building in Ennis that can be used by the local community.

“We’re an integral part of the community and we’re also accepted by the community and it’s great to have something to give back. It’s great for scouts in Ennis, nationally and internationally.
We’ve already had Portuguese and Italians stay here during the summer. Scouting internationally is a family. We always try to promote that and this means we have a building that we can provide.

“We know now for the next 50 odd years we are secure and we have a place that we are happy with”, he added.

John explained that initial work on the project started five years ago.

“We decided that the hall that we had wasn’t fit for purpose anymore. It had been here since the ‘50s or so and we said we’d bite the bullet had get a hall built.

“We started on the process of looking at what money we had and what we could get done. We formed a committee and started looking at what we could get done. The community of Ennis, the church and everyone involved really came on board over the years and we managed to get the funding.

“We were able to develop what we had had into a two storey building. The overall cost of the project is about €520,000. It was substantial. But the likes of CLDC, Roche were all contributors and there was a lot of fundraising. Everyone got involved. Custy’s were the builders and within about a year and a half the building was done.”

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