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HomeRegionalEnnisLarge majority favours pedestrianisation in Ennis town centre

Large majority favours pedestrianisation in Ennis town centre

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A LARGE majority of respondents to an extensive Clare County Council survey has indicated it would like to see some form of pedestrianisation in Ennis immediately.

A total of 1,796 completed surveys were received and overall, 71.2% of all respondents stated they would like to see some form of pedestrianisation ‘immediately’; 20.3% in the ‘medium/long term dependent on provision of new infrastructure/service’ and 8.5% indicated ‘no-never’.

The result was much closer between business owners surveyed, 54 of whom completed the poll. Some 38.9% favoured introduction of pedestrianisation immediately, 24.1% in the medium to long term, 37% selected No/Never.

Of the 204 respondents over 65 years of age, 67.6% favoured the introduction of pedestrianisation immediately, 21.1% in the medium to long term, 11.3% selected No/Never.

There were 102 respondents declared as ‘having mobility issues’ of whom 47.1% favoured introduction of pedestrianisation immediately, 21.6% in the medium to long term, 31.4% selected No/Never.

Of those who indicated they would like to see some form of pedestrianisation (1,643 of 1,796), 44% would prefer ‘pedestrianisation 11-6, 7 days a week’, with a further 36.5% favouring ‘full-time pedestrianisation’.

Clare County Council’s survey was conducted online and in paper format in October, 2021. A total of 1,796 completed surveys were received – 1,600 individuals completed the survey online with 196 respondents completing the survey in paper format.

The data captured and analysed through the Council’s online consultation platform, provides the Council with an overview of the profiles of a large sample of individuals using the town centre, how they navigate it, as well as their preferences in relation to potential pedestrianisation.

Survey results are available at:[news]/ennis-pedestrianisation-survey-results-45703.pdf.

A total of 1,796 completed surveys were received – 1,600 individuals completed the survey online with 196 respondents completing the survey in paper format.

When surveyed, members of the public submitted comments and observations on possible pedestrianisation which can be viewed at:[news]/ennis-pedestrianisation-comments-and-observations-45718.pdf

Furthermore, members of the public also contributed opinions on what additional measures would be needed to support possible pedestrianisation. These are available at:[news]/ennis-pedestrianisation-additional-measures-45717.pdf.

The Mayor of Ennis Municipal District, Cllr Ann Norton, commented: “This survey, which was widely advertised and could be completed online or in paper format, allowed all members of the community to have their say on potential pedestrianisation in Ennis town centre.”

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