STRONG opposition to controversial plans for the abstraction of over 350 million litres of water daily from Lough Derg to address waster shortages in the Dublin region by 2020 was expressed at a recent public meeting in Scariff.
This comes hot on the heels of criticism of the Government’s failure to guarantee water levels on Lough Derg will remain at a specified level at all times in the event this proposal, which has to be approved by An Bord Pleanála goes ahead.
East Clare Tourism organised the public meeting in Scariff to support the campaign led by the
River Shannon Protection Alliance (RSPA) against this plan.
It was decided East Clare Tourism in conjunction with RSPA and local fishing clubs will continue their campaign against this proposal.
RSPA has already dismissed reassurances from Minister of State, Deputy Fergus O’Dowd that the proposed water “abstraction” from Lough Derg “can only be done properly in environmental terms” as “empty promises”.
A native of Ennis, Colin McGann has been editor of The Clare Champion since August 2020. Former editor of The Clare People, he is a journalism and communications graduate of Dublin Institute of Technology.