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HomeBreaking NewsClare Vaccination Centres Administer 10,171 Vaccines In One Week

Clare Vaccination Centres Administer 10,171 Vaccines In One Week

MORE than 10,000 vaccine doses against Covid-19 were administered in two Clare mass vaccination centres over a one-week period, according to official figures.

The UL Hospitals’ Group has confirmed a total of 10,171 vaccine doses were administered between the Radisson Blu, Meelick 7,267 and Treacy’s West County, Ennis, 2,904 sites from May 2 to May 9.

Up to close of business on Sunday May 9th, Group vaccinators had administered a total of 57,573 Covid-19 vaccine doses across the Mid-West. This regional total is composed of 51,777 Dose One and 5,796 Dose Two vaccinations

Doses administered at the three Mid-West Vaccination Centres in the Radisson Blu, West County Ennis and Abbey Court Nenagh to that point in time, account for 69% of the overall regional total, with 39,730 doses having been delivered there.

Last week, Week 18 of the programme, was the busiest to date. Between Sunday May 2nd and close of business on Saturday May 8th, 11,406 doses were delivered at clinics in three vaccination centres, hospital sites and in some long term residential care facilities. This total was composed of 11,202 Dose One and 294 Dose Two vaccinations.

The group is rolling out its vaccination programme in line with the Provisional Vaccine Allocation Groups that the government published on December 8th, 2020 and the national guidance issued by the HSE in relation to sequencing on January 12th, 2021 that was subsequently updated.


Vaccination has increased steadily at its vaccination centres since the first of the three area centres opened in Week 9 of the programme at the beginning of March, and will continue to accelerate in the coming weeks and months in line with national guidance and with availability of vaccines.


Under the ULHG programme, vaccines have been delivered to frontline healthcare workers across the group, HSE Mid-West Community Healthcare, the National Ambulance Service, staff and patients of long-term residential care settings in the region, people most at risk of serious illness from Covid-19, hospital inpatients aged over 70, and people aged 60-69.

People in the latter age group who have not yet registered are invited to do so, either via the online portal at https://vaccine.hse.ie/ or by telephone on 1850-24-1850.

As per the national plan for this week beginning May 10th, set out by HSE CEO, Paul Reid, in his recent briefing, the group will continue the second-dose vaccination of very high risk and high risk groups, and with the first-dose vaccination of people in the 60-69 years age group. The vaccination of people aged 50-59 has commenced.

People in the 50-59 age group have been invited to register since last Tuesday, and anyone of this age who has not already registered can do so online at https://vaccine.hse.ie/.

They will be asked for their mobile phone number, email address, PPS number and Eircode. Telephone registration is available at HSELive on 1850-24-1850 for those unable to register online, and there are options for those who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Once registered, people will receive their vaccination appointments from this week, and appointments will be assigned by age.

All three area vaccination centres are staffed by multidisciplinary teams, including vaccinators, pharmacists, administration, ICT and support staff. Recruitment for the teams is continuing as we steadily accelerate our vaccination programme in the time ahead, in line with national guidance and availability of vaccines.

The group are asking interested candidates to express their interest by telephone on 061-588590 or by email to vaccinatorsulhg@hse.ie


Dan Danaher

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East Clare correspondent, Dan Danaher is a journalism graduate of Rathmines and UL. He has won numerous awards for special investigations on health, justice, environment, and reports on news, agriculture, disability, mental health and community.

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