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HomeRegionalEast & Southeast ClareTrees to be removed over traffic concerns at Killaloe estate

Trees to be removed over traffic concerns at Killaloe estate

THERE is relief for residents of a South East Clare residential estate following a successful appeal to remove trees which were said to be causing “a serious road traffic hazard”.

The ash and sycamore trees have been in situ for several years at the entrance to Shantraud Woods on the Limerick side of Killaloe, but in more recent times have been causing an obstruction for motorists, because of their size. Following a notice of motion, tabled by Councillor Tony O’Brien, Clare County Council has now agreed to remove the trees, in the interests of road safety, before the end of the year.

Outlining the situation at the July meeting of the Killaloe Municipal District, Councillor O’Brien said that the trees had become a problem for local residents, exiting and entering the estate from the Limerick side. “The trees have become a major obstacle for drivers,” he said. “There is now a serious road traffic hazard as the trees are severely impeding the sight distance of traffic exiting the estate and also traffic approaching the estate from the Limerick direction.”

In a written response to Councillor O’Brien’s motion, Declan Flanagan, Senior Executive Engineer said the authority had examined sight lines and found that they had been adversely affected on the Limerick approach to the estate.

“Clare County Council has reviewed the existing sight lines at Shantraud Woods Housing Estate in Killaloe,” the official reply said. “The exit/entrance to the estate is within a 60km/hr speed zone, the required sight lines is 90m at either side of the junction, however sightlines to the Limerick side of the estate are approximately 60m. In the interest of road safety, the two trees which are blocking the sightlines will be removed in the final quarter of 2020.”

Welcoming the council’s commitment to address the situation, Councillor O’Brien said he was hopeful that minor reinstatement works might be carried out once the trees are removed. “There’s no doubt but that the trees do need to be cut and I would like to thank Declan and the Killaloe team for their positive response to the motion,” he said. “The work will be of huge benefit to everyone in the area. When the trees are taken out, there will be some small works to be done, including a tidying up of the bank and some cutting back of the shrubbery. I would ask that these works would also be carried out once the trees are removed.”

The motion was seconded by Councillor Alan O’Callaghan.

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