THREE projects in Clare will share a grant of just under €734,000, under the first strand of the 2021 Town and Village Renewal Scheme.
Projects in Clonlara, Drumgeely and Mountshannon have been selected in this funding stream, which tackles vacancy and dereliction by bringing landmark town centre buildings back to life for community use.
The allocation was welcomed by Clare Fianna Fail TD Cathal Crowe, who said, “This is a significant fund coming into our county which will help rejuvenate the three areas that have been selected.
“The biggest single allocation of €454,050 goes to Clonlara for the creation of a plaza area at the village crossroads, as well as the development of a multi-purpose community space at Kiltenanlea Church.
“This will hugely transform the village centre and I think the idea of a central plaza is one that could be replicated in years to come in communities the length and breadth of the county.
“In Drumgeely in Shannon, €225,000 has been allocated for a town centre regeneration including resurfacing works, the creation of a canopy, car parking, street furniture and planters.
“Again, this will be transformative for the area and give those living locally a place to meet and gather and enjoy.
“The final grant in this round for Clare is in Mountshannon, where €54,860 has been awarded to the community for the construction of a pavilion over the amphitheatre of Aistear Park.

Joanne Dunphy Allen, chair of Mountshannon Community Council, with Clara Cashman, secretary, in the Aistear where the group have applied for planning permission to erect a pavilion on the existing amphitheatre space. Photograph by John Kelly
“Importantly, this will be made using sustainable, low-maintenance materials so it will be environmentally friendly and an example to other communities looking to do similar.
Any community groups who have missed out this time around also need not be disappointed said the deputy who noted a further announcement of successful projects under the scheme will be made shortly.
“This new measure will support the development of a pipeline of shovel-ready projects for delivery in our towns and villages.
“In addition, a further call for applications will be announced in the coming weeks so any community in Clare that feels they could benefit under this funding stream should knock their heads together now and begin putting a proposal ready.