IN a somewhat ironic twist in view of the devastation caused by the weekend’s storm, “Towards a Better Kilkee: A Town Improvement & Economic Development Strategy 2014-2024,” was launched last night at the Culturlann Sweeney Library.
Prepared by Clare County Council, in association with Kilkee Town Council and various community groups, the
key focus of the 10-year strategy is to generate new employment opportunities in a town that has a 36% unemployment rate, promote the local tourism product and enhance the physical appearance of Kilkee.
The latter presents a huge challenge, now that the much core element of the seaside infrastructure has been so badly damaged.
The short and medium-term priorities outlined in the strategy include carrying out a branding and marketing exercise for Kilkee, establishing contact with owners of all opportunity sites, promote the existing coastal walks by upgrading signage and information, conducting a survey of derelict sites in the town, carrying out upgrading works to the bandstand, producing a comprehensive scheme of street and lane signage, and establishing a database of accommodation linked to a comprehensive new website for the town.
The launch of “Towards a Better Kilkee” was attended by entrepreneur, broadcaster and former TV dragon, Bobby Kerr, whose father hails from the West Clare town.

Pictured at the launch of the 10-Year blueprint for Kilkee are L-R Anne Haugh, Kilkee town manager; Paddy Collins, Kilkee Town Mayor and Tom Coughlan, county manager. Photograph by Arthur Ellis
Copies of the “Towards a Better Kilkee: A Town Improvement & Economic Development Strategy 2014-2024” are available from Áras Contae an Chláir, the Kilrush Civic Offices and Culturlann Sweeney Library
A native of Ennis, Colin McGann has been editor of The Clare Champion since August 2020. Former editor of The Clare People, he is a journalism and communications graduate of Dublin Institute of Technology.