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Tag Archives: The Sundered Children

Uniting the sundered children

The Bishop of Killaloe, Fintan Monahan is one of the 30 contributors to a new book on the benefits of integrated education as a vehicle for radical change in Northern Ireland, which is edited by a Lough Derg author. “If a United Ireland were to be declared in current circumstances, the Unionist hardliners would be out with their guns. They have said so to the author of this book. We must first work towards a United Northern Ireland where both sides accept and respect each other; where ‘otherness’ is seen not as a threat, but as the enrichment that difference can bring. This can be achieved only by educating the children of both sides together for a considerable time. We need therefore to persuade those in power to make this happen.” This is the opening of a new book ‘The Sundered Children’ edited by the author, former journalist, college lecturer and teacher of journalism and writing, David Rice, who celebrated …

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