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Tag Archives: Springfield Flood Relief Scheme

Serious questions raised over Gillogue ‘material stockpile’

SERIOUS questions are being raised by Gillogue residents about Clare County Council’s consent for an alleged authorised development stockpiling material at the rear of a factory compound for the long awaited €1.2 million Springfield Flood Relief Scheme. The Clare Champion has learned the planning section has opened an Unauthorised Development file and one of their enforcement officers will carry out a site investigation. Following the importation of thousands of tonnes of sub soil, Gillogue residents have asked why the county council didn’t request planning permission approval or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Deputy Cathal Crowe has called for the transportation of this material down to the farmyard where the OPW are based in Springfield earlier than planned when schools are closed during the Christmas holidays. “It doesn’t make sense to have double movements of material, depositing it at the back of the old Burlington factory and then moving it a second time for the flood protection works. “There is ample …

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Date set for Clare community’s flood protection works

CONSTRUCTION of the Springfield Flood Relief Scheme is to begin next month, with a formal launch to take place this Friday, July 30 in Clonlara. The scheme will provide protection for 18 properties in the area, and involves the construction of a flood protection embankment, land raising, penstock/sluice, pump station and associated works at the townlands of Springfield, Cappavilla North, Cottage and Illaunyregan, Clonlara. Clare Fine Gael TD Joe Carey described the news as “a relief for local residents” following decades of disruption caused by severe winter flooding. “Residents have been affected by regular instances of flooding in Clonlara on several occasions, stretching back to 1995 and more recently in 2009, 2016 and 2020,” he said. “Having been through multiple flooding events, which has had a devastating impact on their lives and on their homes, it is a relief for local residents that construction is due to begin.” The Office of Public Works (OPW), Clare County Council and Byrne Looby …

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