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Speeding concerns aired about Clare village

CONCERN has been expressed over the speed of traffic travelling through the village of Quin, particularly on the busy approach from the Dromoland side.  With...

Speeding concerns on busy residential street

A SPEED survey is to be carried out on a busy residential street in Killaloe following concerns raised by a local councillor.  At the July...

Council to tackle Tuamgraney speeding issue

SPEEDING traffic is causing concern on the approach roads to the village of Tuamgraney, last month’s meeting of the Killaloe Municipal District has heard. The...

Clare men clock up more penalty points than women

OVER 5,000 penalty point notices were issued to Clare drivers last year, with close to two-thirds of those being incurred by male drivers. The figures,...

Road safety appeal to motorcyclists

The Road Safety Authority (RSA) and An Garda Síochána are appealing to motorcycle riders to ‘Bike Safe’ as the risk to riders’ safety is...

Garda warning on slow down day

Gardaí in Clare detected a motorist driving 52km/h above the speed limit along the N17. The car was found travelling at 152km/h in a...

Garda alert: 24 hour speed blitz

A GARDA national speed enforcement operation, "Slow Down”, supported by the Road Safety Authority and other stakeholders, will run for a 24 hour period...

Council to reduce speed limits

Clare County Council is inviting the public to have an input in the formulation of the Speed Limit Review 2016 – 2017. Draft bylaws have...
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