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planning permissions

Developers address concerns over Clare village apartments

A LANDMARK crafts company in Tuamgraney has given an assurance to planners that a proposed new small-scale apartment development will be in keeping with...

IAA approved for new security measures amid trespass concerns

THE Irish Aviation Authority has been given planning permission for the replacement of boundary/perimeter fences at two of its buildings on Woodcock Hill with...

Neighbour’s appeal against east Clare planning permission fails

AN Bord Pleanála has rejected an appeal against the granting of planning permission for a development near Mountshannon, writes Dan Danaher. Last June, Clare...

Council seeks more detail on controversial telecoms mast

MORE details are being sought on a controversial plan for a 21-metre telecoms in an east Clare town, writes Fiona McGarry. While the Council...

Opposition to mast in Clare town continues to grow

CONTROVERSIAL plans for a 21-metre telecoms mast in Scariff have prompted a major objection from a group calling itself East Clare Community Residents, writes...

Clare club calls on council to keep pace with village’s growth

CRUSHEEN GAA has secured planning permission for a new astroturf facility, along with improvements to the accessibility of its grounds, writes Owen Ryan. The club...

March date for verdict on housing proposal in Clare village

COUNTY planners have given March 24 as an indicative decision date for a major new housing development in the offing for a Clare village,...

Four councillors added to retention file for infill near Clare SAC

FOUR Ennis councillors are included as public representatives on a planning application seeking permission for an unauthorised infill development near a Special Area of...
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