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Tag Archives: Irish National Heritage

Forging a new festival for Ennis

A FRENCH craftsman who has made Clare his home is hoping to forge a brand new festival in Ennis. Guy Urbin, who was the resident blacksmith at the Irish National Heritage Park in Wexford, is organising a blacksmith and craft festival which will take place in the county capital this weekend. The festival which will be held at Market Place promises to be real hot stuff with four forges and at least 12 blacksmiths demonstrating their craft across two days. Guy and his wife who moved to Ennis last year opened an art and craft gallery in Curtin’s Lane. He explains one of the reasons he is organising this weekend’s festival is to express his appreciation to the people of Ennis for the welcome they have receive and to bring more events to the town. He also wants to showcase the traditional craft to others who may not have had the opportunity before this to see blacksmithing in person. Guy …

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