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HSE Mid-West

Kilrush vacancy for GP remains

NO SUITABLE family doctor has applied to fill a vacancy for a permanent general practitioner in Kilrush, despite five public advertisements over the last...

HSE leaflet to guide people to best treatment options this winter

IN A bid to direct the people of the Mid-West to the most appropriate treatment this winter, the HSE is distributing a leaflet in...

HSE assessing sites for new west Clare ambulance base

AN ambulance base for west Clare has been identified as a priority for HSE Mid-West and a number of possible sites are being...

Bereaved Clare family question HSE procedures at inquest

A COUNTY Clare family is seeking answers from the HSE concerning the care it provided to a man who took his own life hours...

Webinar to provide guidance navigating the menopause

A free evening webinar called 'Menopause and Me' takes place this Thursday October 21 from 7-9pm in acknowledgement of World Menopause Day 2021, writes...

Jigsaw sets up in Mid West

An investment of approximately €700,000 per year will see Jigsaw provide a new mental health service for young people in the Mid West. News of...

Clarecare in High Court crux

MORE elderly people with high-dependency needs are waiting longer periods for specialised home care packages due to a High Court crux. There are at least...
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