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Tag Archives: Holles Street Hospital

Wynne insists concerns over NMH ‘legitimate’

RELOCATING the proposed new National Maternity Hospital (NMH) cannot be ruled out in the interests of ensuring women’s healthcare is free of religious influence, a Clare TD has said. Plans to move the facility from Holles Street to a site beside St Vincent’s Hospital have been bogged down in controversy over governance and ownership. Deputy Violet Anne Wynne told The Champion that if a move to co-locate the new facility with Tallaght Hospital has to be considered, it should be. “The new hospital has been in the pipeline since the 1990s and it has been in the Programme for Government since 2013,” she outlined. “Maternal healthcare and women’s healthcare generally must be provided by the State, without interference or influence from outside the public realm.” Deputy Wynne’s comments came as thousands attended a rally outside Leinster House last Saturday afternoon over the ongoing ownership of the new site by Religious Sisters of Charity. The order previously said it intends to …

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