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Gaelscoil Mhíchíl Cíosóg

Ennis school’s proposed extension appelaed to An Bord Pleanala

PLANS for an extension to an Ennis primary school, to include the first Early Intervention Unit at a mainstream primary school in the town,...

Ennis primary school extension gets green light

THE extension of an Ennis primary school, which is expected to result in an “enhanced” school experience for students and staff, has been given...

Plans for Ennis primary school will lead to ‘enhanced’ experience

PLANS to extend an Ennis primary school will lead to an “enhanced” school experience with “better facilities” for the existing staff and students. That’s...

GALLERY: Back to school for Minister Eamon Ryan in Ennis

IT was back to school for Environment Minister Eamon Ryan when he visited Ennis last week. The Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications...

Five Clare schools to benefit from walk and cycle spend

FIVE Clare schools have been chosen to take part in a new programme aimed at supporting walking and cycling infrastructure for primary and post-primary...

Appeal to minister over secondary places

AN ENNIS principal has appealed to the education minister for a speedy conclusion to talks on the system of allocation of secondary school places...

New development will ‘future proof’ Gaelscoil

A RICH display of music and song greeted the education minister as she visited Gaelscoil Mhíchíl Cíosóg in Ennis this week to announce a...

Podge supports interculturalism at Gaelscoil

All-Ireland hurling medal winner,  Podge Collins, visited Gaelscoil Mhíchíl Cíosóg in Ennis  to raise the school’s new Yellow Flag. The Yellow Flag programme recognises a...
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